A  documentary film by Tanja Cummings, Germany, 101 min

During the Holocaust, there was no other city in Europe where Germans, Poles and Jews lived so closely together and yet worlds apart as Lodz. Several times a day for four years, the Line 41 streetcar passed through the Lodz Ghetto, but would never stop, making the suffering of the Jewish people abundantly clear to its indifferent riders. LINE 41 documents the return of Lodz Ghetto survivor Natan Grossmann to Poland after seventy years. Looking to discover the fate of his brother, with whom he had lost contact in 1942, he instead crosses paths with Jens-Jurgen Ventzki, the son of the former Nazi Head Mayor of Lodz. In tracing their family histories, Grossman and Ventzki discover a unique mix of victims, perpetrator and bystanders as they confront their feelings about the past and each other.

Natan Grossmann

It is with great sadness that we have to announce today that our dear friend Natan Grossmann (27.9.2027 in Zgierz, Poland) main protagonist of “Line 41”, passed away on 2 May 2024 in Munich, Germany.

Natan, we miss you very much.
We will never forget you.

Obituary by Tanja Cummings

Past and upcoming Screenings 2024

Contact us for screening options at or with your institution! 

You can watch our film via VIMEO ON DEMAND (all countries except USA & Canada). For USA & Canada, see section further below)


DVD orders and screening requests

Please got to this page  or write an email to  linie41@eva-verein.de  or see our contact page


Rental and Video on Demand

“LINE 41” is available (with English subtitles) on the VIDEO ON DEMAND platform for rental or purchase (streaming & download) – except in the USA and Canada. Go to: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/line41 

To access “Line 41” from  USA and Canada, please contact our Northamerican distributor FILMMOVEMENT (see further down below)


Line 41 in the USA & Canada

For screenings, DVD, streaming etc in the USA/Canada, please contact our distributor Filmmovement in New York City, USA: https://www.filmmovement.com/product/line-41 


See the Trailer

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